You have probably heard in your NFL betting the phrase “inside information” on more than one occasion. Does inside information in NFL betting really exist? Can you find it if it does? Inside information in football betting is very hard to come by in today’s high tech Internet world and for the most part it does not exist. NFL betting has been subject to the “scamdicappers” for many years now and one of their favorite terms is inside information. They claim to have knowledge that no one else has on NFL betting games but they don’t.
They flat out lie all the time about their great information. Many people call themselves sports information services as they claim to have better information than the public, and they resell those opinions as NFL betting picks and charge people money. People refer to these places as sports handicapping services, and 99.9% of the time they never have any inside information. You could take that percentage to 100% of the time, but in life not much is 100%.