Online entertainment betting offers great wagering options which include the Grammy’s, the Oscars, Golden Globes, and much much more. Online entertainment betting gives you the chance to pick your favorite performers and wager on whether or not they will win.
There is nothing better in entertainment betting than being able to watch and wager on your favorite stars at SBG. Just think of how exciting it is to bet on someone like Kate Winslet to win an Oscar in entertainment betting or Alison Krauss in Grammys art betting entertainment gambling.
The two most popular betting entertainment gambling options are found on American Idol and Dancing with the Stars. American Idol online entertainment betting gets started in February while Dancing with the Stars begins in March. American Idol online entertainment betting occurs just once per year while Dancing with the Stars online entertainment betting happens twice, once in the spring and once in the fall. The SBG betting options are excellent for both of these reality shows and the wagering really picks up as the contenders are narrowed down.
Reality art betting entertainment gambling has taken off in recent years as more gamblers look to wager on their favorite performers. American Idol and Dancing with the Stars are among the highest rated shows on television. Special awards events in online entertainment betting get a lot of attention as well since the Oscars and Grammys are always popular.
Oftentimes when people think about betting entertainment gambling they think that men do most of the wagering. With sports that is true, but that is not the case with online entertainment betting. Women make nearly half the wagers in online entertainment gambling. Many of the shows like American Idol and Dancing with the Stars appeal to women and the entertainment betting has reflected this fact.
If you follow popular television reality shows then online entertainment betting is for you. The option to bet on individual performers and stars is excellent in online entertainment betting. Take a look right now at the online entertainment betting odds available at SBG and enjoy your favorite shows.
It’s been a while since we talk about entertainment betting here at SBGGlobal sportsbook, but that does not mean it’s not happening anymore. It’s a common thing to get caught up in the world of celebrities, so why not take it up a notch and actually bet on it? You might not be a sports fan, but might like following famous movie stars or singers around the internet to see what they are up to. At SBG Global you will be able to bet on events such as The Academy Awards, The Golden Globe Awards, The Emmy Awards, the People’s Choice Awards, and many others.
The 2015 Emmys will be held on September 20. Sportsbooks will be taking in some bets for many awards although only a few may be available.
There’s a good potential for the 2016 Grammy Awards to come with a few big names. While the gambling odds for who will win at the 2016 Grammys haven’t been revealed yet, there are a few names that are expected to be big.
The Golden Raspberry Awards have long been seen as the anti-Oscars in that it “honors” the worst films of the past year. The interesting thing about the Razzies is that people can actually bet on who they feel will “win” these awards.
The summer of 2015 will have plenty of big-name albums to take a look at. Here's a peek at what will be coming out this season.
It is safe to say that Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens will more than likely be the top-grossing film at the box office in 2015. This is thanks in part to the fervent interest that people have in the Star Wars franchise. The fact that the film has been teased extensively since 2012 when Disney announced that there would be a new Star Wars trilogy will only make the box office draw for this movie even bigger.