Hillary, no chances on political betting at SBG Global

November 24th, 2021 Presidential Political Betting

Hillary, no chances on political betting at SBG Global. Political betting is full of twists and turns; for example, a year ago Hillary had the political betting nomination of their party all wrapped up.

But then, Barak Obama entered the political betting scene in a big way and now it would appear that barring an act of God, he will defeat Clinton in her quest to become the political betting winner of the party’s nomination. Political betting experts have rarely seen such a colossal implosion. In reality, Clinton has been the party’s top hope in the political betting to be president since John Kerry was narrowly defeated in 2004. She has had four years to prepare her campaign and wow the elections betting fan base.

However, it now appears that she used this time to do very little and is now paying the price in the primary political betting. She appears to much of the public, short in ideas and long on negative ads, according to most political betting pundits.

This is somewhat surprising considering how much political goodwill and financing she had at the beginning of elections betting season. But it’s all gone now and the political betting odds are strongly against her. She faces an insurmountable challenge in defeating Obama for her party’s nomination and the political betting community has all but written her off.

But it’s not as if she’s squandered the commanding lead that she once held in the election betting. Obama has simply proved a uniquely compelling candidate and he has worked hard to chip away at her previous lead in the political betting odds. He is now deservedly the front runner in the political betting odds and Hillary should tip her hat to him. Instead, she has chosen to protract the battle which is fantastic for political betting fans as keeps the action going, but this development is no doubt causing numerous headaches for Democratic Party officials like Chairman Howard Dean.

And so from a political betting stand point it’s a fine thing that the battle rages, considering that the action in the Republican Party has slowed to nothing. But the sooner the Dems pick a winner; the real political betting action can begin in the general election, where things promise to be especially interesting.