Preakness odds value is sometimes difficult to find since the favorite wins more often in the Preakness than in most horse races. Usually it is tough to make money in horse racing betting by wagering on the favorites but in Preakness Stakes that is not always the case. Value can be found on the favorite sometimes in Preakness .
Preakness have shown that the favorite wins almost half the time. That is a huge figure in terms of horse racing betting. Compare that to the 33% of normal horse races and you can see how powerful the favorite is in Preakness odds. Looking for value in Preakness Stakes odds is tougher than in other races. Normally, value occurs when the public in horse racing gambling misses something. It could be they missed a big jockey change or a trainer change or some other factor. They might thing that a previous horse race was better than it was or they might think speed ratings are everything. The problem with all of these things in Preakness is that they are not as important because the favorite does quite well. This means the public is going to win almost half the time. That makes finding value tough in Preakness Stakes odds.
The goal in horse betting is to find value. So how do we do that in Preakness ? We have to consider the favorite with all of the historical numbers. That means looking at exacta, trifecta and superfecta choices in Preakness Stakes odds. We can take the favorite and box him with three or four other likely contenders. If he wins then the ticket won’t pay as much but if he is upset we can get some value. Either way though, we can get paid if we find the right three or four horses in Preakness odds. That is really our only option when searching for value in Preakness odds. Keep in mind that since the favorite in Preakness odds wins so much that the normal equation for looking for value doesn’t apply. You must include the favorite in your Preakness handicapping, period. To leave the favorite out is not smart and not part of intelligent value betting in terms of Preakness.