Grizzlies Don’t Reach Deal with Gay Sportbooks Online

Grizzlies Don’t Reach Deal with Gay Sportbooks Online.  Sportsbooks online had Memphis and forward Rudy Gay failing to reach agreement on a contract extension which means the forward will become a restricted free agent this summer.  Sportsbooks online indicate that the deadline for reaching a deal was Monday at midnight and no deal was reached. The Grizzlies are off to a slow start this season in offshore sportsbook odds.

Sportsbooks online odds can be impacted by Gay since he is one of a talented group of young players on the Memphis team. The team would have liked to have reached an agreement but Gay’s agent Jeff Austin said a deal couldn’t be done at the moment.   Sportsbooks online reported that the Grizzlies offered Gay a five-year deal worth about $10 million per season.  Gay was looking for something more like $12.5 million per season.

Gay has led the Grizzlies in scoring the past two sportsbooks online NBA seasons. Gay may have overestimated his worth as sportsbooks online stats show but he didn’t seem bothered that a deal wasn’t reached. “Not at all,” he said to a local paper. “You’ve got to stick to your guns when you come to this. I know my worth and we didn’t get to it. Obviously, their offer wasn’t what I expected. But it’s not a bad situation.”

Memphis wanted to reach a deal as sportsbooks online had it but Gay’s price was too high. “There’s no question we have a high appreciation for Rudy and his talent,” Memphis owner Michael Heisley said, “Now the question is how do you get to the right deal? If you’re asking me, am I willing to pay as much as I can possibly pay? No. That’s not appropriate in today’s financial climate.”

Memphis has been scoring points this sportsbooks online betting season. They are in the Top 10 in points scored but their defense has been hurting their sportsbooks online results. The Grizzlies are near the bottom of the league in defense as offshore sportsbook stats indicate.  Memphis has a lot of talent with Zach Randolph, Marc Gasol, O.J. Mayo, Mike Conley and Gay but so far this sportsbooks online season it has not meshed together. It probably doesn’t help that the team also has Allen Iverson looking for playing time as offshore sportsbook notes.  A team full of scorers that doesn’t play defense is not the way to win versus the sportsbooks online odds at the offshore sportsbook.