Sportsbook Fans and the Battle in the AFC East at SBG Global

Sportsbook Fans and the Battle in the AFC East at SBG Global.  competition in the AFC East has been dominated by the New England Patriots over the past decade. In fact, no other division in the NFL online sportsbook competition comes close to rivaling the lop-sidedness of the Pats dominance. But surprise, surprise, what once looked like one of these least eventful divisions in NFL sportsbook competition has suddenly morphed into the one of the closely watched NFL online sportsbook races in football.

Sportsbook fans have grown so accustomed to the Pats dominating that it likely hasn’t even registered yet that the AFC East is now perhaps the most competitive division in play in NFL sportsbook action. Many things have happened over the course of the past six weeks that has revitalized the sportsbook competition in this division, but there are two events in particular that helped bring about this online sportsbook change.  Football fans the world over have now heard of Tom Brady’s awful season-ending injury.

That terrible event has completely changed the complexion of the AFC East and opened up a healthy sportsbook competition.  The other event that put this division in play in the minds of many sportsbook fans is the addition of Brett Favre to a talented Jets roster.

With Favre at QB this team has a real shot of knocking of the reigning champs and perhaps even challenging in the sportsbook post season.  With Brady out no on knows what will happen to the Pats, but all that many sportsbook analysts are optimistic.

And that has opened the door for a hard charging Jets team that now has confidence and will only get better with Favre at the helm of their sportsbook dreams.  But the craziest development of all might be the fact that the Buffalo Bills could very well be the best team in the NFL online sportsbook division.

With a very young, but talented squad, the sky is the limit for this team when it comes to their sportsbook hopes.  Led by second-year man Trent Edwards and some top skill players the offense always seems to find a way to put points on the board.  And the defense should be much improved with a year of experience under its sportsbook belt.

And the Dolphins, the laughing stock of the sportsbook world a year ago, nearly knocked off the Jets in the sportsbook opener.  This team could be the spoiler in this competition and equalize the sportsbook competition for the division title.

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