UFC 120 Odds Action: Look For Interesting Matchups in the Preliminary Action

February 10th, 2021 UFC Betting

Rarely is there a UFC Main Event that features less well-known fighters than what you’ll see in the UFC 120 odds lineup. But that doesn’t mean that this won’t be an entreating event or that there won’t be some great wagering opportunities.

In fact, it could be quite the contrary as the little known fighters can be a challenge for the handicappers and that can mean good news for sports betting fans.

The UFC 120 betting event is virtually loaded with this type of matchups as the organizers for the UFC event were desperate to find English fighters to feature in the October 16th event.  Many of these fighters are virtual unknowns to most MMA fans and the truth is they’re not all that good.

Take for example Englishman James McSweeney a former kick boxer with a 4-5 lifetime MMA record making his UFC debut in the UFC 120 odds action.  He will likely be destroyed but you can probably still find some tempting lines on his fight simply because none of the handicappers have ever seen him fight.  On paper he looks like a tomato can.

Then what about fellow Englishmen Kurt Warburton?  He’s only fought 7 MMA matches in his life and none of them at a very high level.  He’s got a career record of 6-1 heading into the UFC 120 odds event but that sample size is so small and against such inferior competition that it’s tough to get a straight read on his abilities.  His match against American Spencer Fisher is a very difficult match to handicap as well as Fisher has had some success at the highest levels of UFC action (defeating Thiago Silva years back) but has seen far better days and has lost his last 2 fights heading into the UFC 120 betting action.  Still, over exuberant English fans could be blinded by nationalism and mistake his two loss streak as a sign that he washed up and push the betting line out of whack when, in fact, the losses have been against superior opponents than Warburton.

Another fight that is a real wild card in this upcoming prelim card is Englishman Rob Broughton (14-6 lifetime record) versus a Brazilian named Vinicius Queiroz.  So little is known about Querioz that it’s impossible to even find his background or career record but faced a choice between an unknown English fighter toiling in the lowest level of competition and fighter straight from the Brazilian fighting scene, the money should be on the Brazilian.